
I am a nature photographer living in Switzerland, specialized in macro photography of insects and aquatic animals. I collaborate with biologists who want high quality photos illustrating their work, especially in a research context. Some photos resulting from these collaborations have been used in books, various public media and have been featured as front covers for multiple scientific journals.


© Nature Ecology & Evolution

Hdy Cover Aug 22 129.Jpg

© Heredity

Rspb.287.Issue 1939.Cover.Gif

© The Royal Society Publishing

2016 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology

© Journal of Evolutionary Biology

2018 Evolutionary Applications

© Evolutionary Applications

Jhered 108 7 Front Cover

© Journal of Heredity

Clients and collaborations

– Cengage Learning / National Geographic Learning

– BBC Earth Productions

– University of Lausanne

– University of Iowa

- Museum of Zoology, Lausanne

- Zoo La Garenne, Le Vaud